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Wednesday, 25 January 2017

PRVF-4007 User equivalence check failed for user grid

PRVF-4007  User equivalence check failed for user grid

This error occurs during RAC pre checks for crsinst. This is optional step for RAC installation which shows any pending pre checks to make your job simpler during installation.

This pre check is very helpful in prior to 11gR2 release as in 11gR2 release and next release you can make ssh configuration during clusterware installation. So simply you can ignore this error.

[grid@MYRACNODE1 grid]$ ./ stage -pre crsinst -n MYRACNODE1. local,MYRACNODE2.local -verbose

Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup

Checking node reachability...

Check: Node reachability from node "MYRACNODE1"
  Destination Node                      Reachable?
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  MYRACNODE1                          yes
  MYRACNODE2                             yes
Result: Node reachability check passed from node "MYRACNODE1"

Checking user equivalence...

Check: User equivalence for user "grid"
  Node Name                             Status
  ------------------------------------  ------------------------
  MYRACNODE2                          failed
  MYRACNODE1                          failed
Result: PRVF-4007 : User equivalence check failed for user "grid"

User equivalence unavailable on all the specified nodes
Verification cannot proceed

Pre-check for cluster services setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
[grid@MYRACNODE1 grid]$

This error occurred because you have not setup passwordless ssh configuration for grid user.

1)      Ignore this error and proceed with your installation and make ssh configuration during the installation.Below are the screen shot for your reference.


2) You can make manual ssh configuration by using below method.
cd /...grid/sshsetup

 ./  -user oracle -hosts "myracnode1 myracnode2" –noPromptPassphrase

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

expdp failed with ORA-31641: unable to create dump file ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options

expdp failed with ORA-31641: unable to create dump file ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options

While performing expdp on database getting below error. This is known error and workaround is available to fix it.

DataPump export fails with below errors:
Export: Release - Production on Sun Nov 25 21:00:36 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORA-39001: invalid argument value
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification
ORA-31641: unable to create dump file "/devotd_dpump/expdp_metadata_vspp_sun.dmp"
ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options
Additional information: 3
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3

This is the common error DBA faces. Reason for getting this error may be bug or incorrect option while mounting the NFS mount point. Also this known bug.

The solution which worked in this case was to set the below event which disables the mount point parameter checking:
sqlplus / as sysdba
alter system set events '10298 trace name context forever, level 32';


Set the following event in the init.ora
event="10298 trace name context forever, level 32"

setting event is workaround provided by oracle if this not help you then kindly mount the NFS mount point with correct option as below-
# mount -F nfs -o rw,bg,hard,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,vers=3,forcedirectio,nointr,proto=tcp,suid host:/folder1/to1 /folder2/to2

Reference - ORA-27054: NFS file system where the file is created or resides is not mounted with correct options (Doc ID 781349.1)

Thursday, 5 January 2017

RMAN-06172: no AUTOBACKUP found or specified handle is not a valid copy or piece

RMAN-06172: no AUTOBACKUP found or specified handle is not a valid copy or piece

RMAN-06172  is known error we faced while restoring control file through RMAN. During controlfile restoration you should provide controlfile backup piece with complete path.

Below is the example given for your ref.

1. RMAN Backup details on source :

RMAN> backup current controlfile format '/RMAN_TEST/control_%U';

Starting backup at 05-JAN-17
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=38 device type=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
including current control file in backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 05-JAN-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 05-JAN-17
piece handle=/RMAN_TEST/control_0frp8ndk_1_1 tag=TAG20170105T112955 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03
Finished backup at 05-JAN-17

Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 05-JAN-17
piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/recovery_area/CDB1/autobackup/2017_01_05/o1_mf_s_932470203_d6wckw0y_.bkp comment=NONE
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 05-JAN-17


2. Restoration on target 

[oracle@Server RMAN_TEST]$
[oracle@Server RMAN_TEST]$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Jan 5 11:31:31 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup nomount pfile='/RMAN_TEST/initMYTEST.ora';
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area  217157632 bytes
Fixed Size                                2286656 bytes
Variable Size                        159386560 bytes
Database Buffers                50331648 bytes
Redo Buffers                         5152768 bytes
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and Real Application Testing options
[oracle@Server RMAN_TEST]$
[oracle@Server RMAN_TEST]$
[oracle@Server RMAN_TEST]$
[oracle@Server RMAN_TEST]$ cd /
[oracle@Server /]$
[oracle@Server /]$
[oracle@Server /]$ rman target /

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu Jan 5 11:32:13 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: MYTEST (not mounted)

RMAN> restore controlfile from 'control_0frp8ndk_1_1';

Starting restore at 05-JAN-17
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=20 device type=DISK

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 01/05/2017 11:33:04
RMAN-06172: no AUTOBACKUP found or specified handle is not a valid copy or piece



RMAN> restore controlfile from '/RMAN_TEST/control_0frp8ndk_1_1';

Starting restore at 05-JAN-17
using channel ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring control file
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
output file name=/RMAN_TEST/control_01.ctl
Finished restore at 05-JAN-17


Now you can mount the database and carry forward your restoration task.

Thank you!

RMAN full backup on Standby (RAC) and Restoration on new server as primary (Standalone)

RMAN full backup on Standby (RAC) and Restoration on new server as primary (Standalone)

Requirement – Take RMAN full consistent backup on standby RAC database and then restore this consistent RMAN full backup on to the test server and open the restored database in READ WRITE mode.

Scenario and consideration –
1) Migration from one server to another
2) RAC to single instance
3) ASM to file system
4) Standby to Primary

Task involved in this activity-
  1. Stop recovery on standby database.
  2. Take RMAN full backup on standby database.
  3. Start recovery on standby database.
  4. Transfer backup piece to the target server.
  5. Restore rman backup and open database in READ WRITE mode.
  6. Perform post restoration activities.

We have NOT made any changes to production and standby side. We have performed restoration on test server.

1          Stop recovery on standby database.


Crosscheck MRP process is not running on standby database and then proceed with next step.  

2          RMAN full backup on standby RAC database.

Take rman full backup on standby database. Below are the script details which were used to take the RMAN full backup on standby database.

$ nohup sh &

$ cat
export ORACLE_SID=mystd1
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1;
/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/rman target / CMDFILE=/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/rman_l0_bkp.rcv  log=/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/rman_l0_bkp.log

$cat rman_l0_bkp.rcv 
allocate channel c1 type disk format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U';
allocate channel c2 type disk format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U';
allocate channel c3 type disk format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U';
allocate channel c4 type disk format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U';
allocate channel c5 type disk format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U';
allocate channel c6 type disk format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U';
allocate channel c7 type disk format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U';
allocate channel c8 type disk format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U';
backup AS COMPRESSED BACKUPSET full database tag bkp_level_0 format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_%U' database;
backup controlfile format '/backup/rman_bkp/RMAN_BKP_TEST/control_mystd_%U';
release channel c1;
release channel c2;
release channel c3;
release channel c4;
release channel c5;
release channel c6;
release channel c7;
release channel c8;

Start the recovery process on standby database after successful completion of RMAN full backup.

# Background redo apply. Control is returned to the session once the apply process is started.

3.         Transfer this RMAN full backup to target server .

Use ftp or scp to transfer the backup to target server. Crosscheck the backup piece and it’s size on source and target server.

4.         Restoration of RMAN backup on target server .

          Create a PFILE for the single instance database using the production/standby RAC parameter file.
a.    please modify the following parameters depending on the directory structure of the new host: audit_file_dest, background_dump_dest, control_files, core_dump_dest, log_archive_dest_1, user_dump_dest etc
b.    remove RAC specific parameters such as cluster_database_instances, cluster_database etc
c.    for the parameter undo_tablespace, mention any one undo tablespace name

Starting from 10g it is NOT mandatory to copy the RMAN backup pieces to exactly the same location on the new host as the production location.

Below is sample init.ora file used for this activity. Please make the modification according to your application requirements.

*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=myprodXDB)'

create spfile from initmyprod.ora

SQL> CREATE SPFILE FROM PFILE=’/path/initmyprod.ora’;
Use the spfile created above to STARTUP NOMOUNT the database on the new host
bash-2.05b$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Dec 27 09:53:45 2016

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.


SQL> startup nomount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 4275781632 bytes
Fixed Size                  2253216 bytes
Variable Size            4211084896 bytes
Database Buffers           50331648 bytes
Redo Buffers               12111872 bytes
Now invoke RMAN and restore the controlfile specifying the location where the controlfile 
piece is transferred on this new server. You can mount the database once the controlfile 
is restored successfully.

RMAN> restore controlfile from '/database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/control_mystd_msroess4_1_1’;

Starting restore at 27-DEC-16
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=156 devtype=DISK

channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring control file
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
output filename= /database/data/myprod/controlfile/contol01.ctl
output filename= /database/data/myprod/controlfile/control02.ctl

Finished restore at 27-DEC-16

RMAN> alter database mount;

database mounted
released channel: ORA_DISK_1

SQL> select name, open_mode,log_mode, database_role, controlfile_type from v$database;

--------- -------------------- ------------ ---------------- -------
You can skip this step if you have restored the RMAN backup pieces to exactly the 
same location they were backed up on production. If this is not the case then you 
need to catalog the RMAN backup pieces to make RMAN aware of thier new location 
on the new host. Note that CATALOG BACKUPPIECE command is available only starting from
RMAN> catalog start with '/database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST';

searching for all files that match the pattern /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST

List of Files Unknown to the Database
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mlroeq5e_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mmroeq5e_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mnroeq5f_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_moroeq5f_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mproeq5f_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mqroeq5g_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mrroeq5g_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/control_mystd_msroess4_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/nohup.out
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/rman_l0_bkp.log

Do you really want to catalog the above files (enter YES or NO)? YES
cataloging files...
cataloging done

List of Cataloged Files
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mlroeq5e_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mmroeq5e_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mnroeq5f_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_moroeq5f_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mproeq5f_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mqroeq5g_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/FULL_mystd_mrroeq5g_1_1
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/control_mystd_msroess4_1_1

List of Files Which Where Not Cataloged
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/nohup.out
  RMAN-07517: Reason: The file header is corrupted
File Name: /database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/rman_l0_bkp.log

Kindly start the database restoration now. Use below command to restore the database. 
Here we are restoring from ASM to normal file system so use SET NEWNAME to set the 
new location for datafiles.
$ nohup sh &
$ cat
export ORACLE_SID=myprod
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/oracle/;
/oracle/app/oracle/ target / CMDFILE=/database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/restore_l0_bkp.rcv  log=/database/RMAN/RMAN_BKP_TEST/restore_l0_bkp_27122016_2.log
run {
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/system.279.915710127' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/system.279.915710127';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/sysaux.292.915706221' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/sysaux.292.915706221';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/undotbs1.296.915706231' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/undotbs1.296.915706231';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/undotbs2.256.915713215' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/undotbs2.256.915713215';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/users.301.915709147' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/users.301.915709147';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.328.915806215' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.328.915806215';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_index.271.915711639' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_index.271.915711639';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_lob.298.915709137' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_lob.298.915709137';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_report_data.278.915713227' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_report_data.278.915713227';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_report_index.302.915709151' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_report_index.302.915709151';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_archive_data.303.915709151' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_archive_data.303.915709151';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_archive_index.262.915711663' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_archive_index.262.915711663';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.257.915713195' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.257.915713195';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.333.915806225' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.333.915806225';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.327.915806203' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.327.915806203';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.287.915713185' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.287.915713185';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.305.915710103' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.305.915710103';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_index.286.915710111' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_index.286.915710111';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_index.293.915706211' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_index.293.915706211';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_index.304.915710093' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_index.304.915710093';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_lob.297.915709117' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_lob.297.915709117';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_lob.295.915706191' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_lob.295.915706191';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/perfstat.282.915711661' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/perfstat.282.915711661';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_lob.294.915706201' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_lob.294.915706201';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.284.915711629' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.284.915711629';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_lob.265.915713223' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_lob.265.915713223';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_index.277.915713205' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_index.277.915713205';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_index.299.915709127' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_index.299.915709127';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.264.915711647' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.264.915711647';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.267.915711659' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.267.915711659';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_index.300.915707617' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_index.300.915707617';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_data.266.915710123' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_data.266.915710123';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/perfstat.306.915710129' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/perfstat.306.915710129';
set newname for datafile '+DATADG/mystd/datafile/ifsapp_index.337.930138391' to '/database/data/myprod/datafile/ifsapp_index.337.930138391';
restore database;
switch datafile all;
Switch datafile all is required to update the datafile header with new file location.
Crosscheck the rman log and alert log for any errors. If everything is fine then proceed 
with further steps.
Once RMAN restore/recovery finishes, you will want to rename the online redolog files 
before opening the database in case the production path of redo log files is not available 
on the new host. After renaming the redolog files, the database can be opened.
Kindly change STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT parameter to “MANUAL” which is required 
to rename the redolog file. Revert it to its original value after completion of the activity.

System altered.
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_7.310.915719101' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_7.310.915719101';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_8.318.915719101' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_8.318.915719101';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_9.319.915719101' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_9.319.915719101';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_10.320.915719103' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_10.320.915719103';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_11.321.915719103' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_11.321.915719103';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_12.322.915719103' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_12.322.915719103';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_7.2850.915719101' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_7.2850.915719101';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_8.2851.915719101' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_8.2851.915719101';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_9.2852.915719101' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_9.2852.915719101';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_10.2853.915719103' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_10.2853.915719103';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_11.2854.915719103' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_11.2854.915719103';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_12.2855.915719103' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_12.2855.915719103';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_13.324.915719103' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_13.324.915719103';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_13.2856.915719105' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_13.2856.915719105';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_14.326.915719105' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_14.326.915719105';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_14.2857.915719105' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_14.2857.915719105';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_15.258.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_15.258.915718903';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_15.2837.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_15.2837.915718903';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_16.312.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_16.312.915718903';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_16.2839.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_16.2839.915718903';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_17.314.915718905' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_17.314.915718905';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_17.2842.915718905' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_17.2842.915718905';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_18.316.915718905' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_18.316.915718905';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_18.2844.915718905' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_18.2844.915718905';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_19.317.915718905' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_19.317.915718905';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_19.2845.915718907' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_19.2845.915718907';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_20.259.915718901' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_20.259.915718901';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_20.2835.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_20.2835.915718903';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_21.311.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_21.311.915718903';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_21.2838.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_21.2838.915718903';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_22.315.915718905' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_22.315.915718905';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_22.2843.915718905' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_22.2843.915718905';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_23.313.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_23.313.915718903';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_23.2841.915718905' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_23.2841.915718905';
alter database rename file '+DATADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_24.276.915718901' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_24.276.915718901';
alter database rename file '+FRADG/mystd/onlinelog/group_24.2836.915718903' to '/database/data/myprod/redologs/group_24.2836.915718903';
Make sure that all redolog member should be named to new location and this new location 
is exists on the target server. Also all datafile headers should have 
unique checkpoint_change# number for all datafiles.
SQL> select distinct(to_char(checkpoint_change#)) from v$datafile_header;



SQL> select name,open_mode,log_mode,database_role,controlfile_type from v$database;

--------- -------------------- ------------ ---------------- -------
Standby database can be activated as a primary database using the following statements. 
Also you can see that database_role and controlfile_type has been changed to PRIMARY 
and CURRENT respectively.

Database altered.

SQL> select name,open_mode,log_mode,database_role,controlfile_type from v$database;

--------- -------------------- ------------ ---------------- -------

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

SQL> select name,open_mode,log_mode, database_role , controlfile_type from v$database;

--------- -------------------- ------------ ---------------- -------

You have successfully restored backup and opened database in READ WRITE mode.


5.     Post restoration activities

Kindly remove redolog groups for redo threads of other instances.
SQL> select THREAD#, STATUS, ENABLED from v$thread;

---------- ------ --------
         1 OPEN   PUBLIC
SQL> select group# from v$log where THREAD#=2;


SQL> alter database disable thread 2;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database drop logfile group 10;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database drop logfile group 11;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database drop logfile group 12;

Database altered.

SQL> alter database drop logfile group 14;

Database altered.

SQL> select group# from v$log where THREAD#=2;

no rows selected

SQL> select THREAD#, STATUS, ENABLED from v$thread;

---------- ------ --------
         1 OPEN   PUBLIC
Now remove the undo tablespaces of other instances and create a new temporary 
tablespace to complete the activity.
SQL> sho parameter undo;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
undo_management                      string      AUTO
undo_retention                       integer     7200
undo_tablespace                      string      UNDOTBS1
SQL> select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where contents='UNDO';


SQL> drop tablespace UNDOTBS2 including contents and datafiles;

Tablespace dropped.

SQL> select name from v$tempfile;


SQL> select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where contents='TEMPORARY';


SQL> create temporary tablespace TEMP1 tempfile
SQL> '/database/data/myprod/datafile/MYPROD/datafile/o1_mf_temp_d66hwb
SQL> 1s_1.dbf' size 100m;

Tablespace created.

SQL> alter database default temporary tablespace TEMP1;

Database altered.

SQL> drop tablespace TEMP including contents and datafiles;

Tablespace dropped.

Note - Please note that this method is useful if you want to restore consistent backup only.

 I will be very happy if this exercise helpful for you in any manner. THANK YOU!!!


HowTo Restore RMAN Disk backups of RAC Database to Single Instance On Another Node (Doc ID 415579.1)
How to take consistent backups at standby site (Doc ID 1292126.1)
Using RMAN Effectively In A Dataguard Environment. (Doc ID 848716.1)